The processing facility’s, which supplies gas to Britain, output reduced by 30 million cubic meters (mcm) from the existing 70 mcm.

The Ormen Lange process facility’s power consumption fell to 20MW, the plant gets it all of its power from the national grid.

Gas flows through the Langeled pipeline, UK’s main subsea gas import route, may be affected due to the outages at the plant.

Maintenance work at the St. Fergus receiving terminal has led to the drop in Norwegian gas flows to Britain last week, reports Reuters.

The Ormen Lange gas field produced 21.7 billion cubic meters of gas in 2011, which is around a fifth of Norway’s output.

Norway’s Statoil owns 28.92% stake in the Ormen Lange gas field. Other partners include Norwegian state-owned firm Petoro with 36.48%, Shell 17.04%, ExxonMobil 7.23% and Denmark’s DONG with 10.34%.

Gas flows to Britain stood at 16.8 mcm at 1138 GMT, including 14.4 mcm in supplies through the Langeled.