"This decision is an important for reestablishing a firm planning basis for Datteln 4 generating unit," emphasizes E.ON Deutschland CEO Ingo Luge. "It sends a positive signal for all subsequent steps of the consents process which are necessary for moving forward as quickly as possible with the completion of Datteln 4."
Datteln 4 has a nameplate capacity of 1,100 megawatts. Once operational, it will have a thermal efficiency of more than 45 percent, making it one of the world’s most climate friendly hard-coal-fired power plants.
It will replace several old power plants in the Ruhr region, including Datteln 1-3 and Shamrock in Herne. It will generate 50 Hertz electricity for the public grid as well as 16.7 Hertz traction power for the German Federal Rail Service’s rail network.
It will also cogenerate environmentally friendly district heating for 100,000 households in Datteln and the central Ruhr region.