The Danish wind turbine manufacturer will supply its V100-2.6MW turbines and will also be responsible for the commissioning of the wind turbines.

Besides, the contract also includes a VestasOnline Business SCADA system and a 15-year service and maintenance AOM 4000 agreement.

The first turbines are scheduled to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Vestas Wind Systems Chief Sales Officer Juan Araluce said, "Based on the V90-3.0 MW turbine, one of the most proven in the industry, with more than 2,400 installations since 2002, the V100-2.6 MW uses technology which has already shown its efficiency and durability in the field."

The facility is expected to produce approximately 123,000 MWh per year, leading to a saving of 48,000 tons of CO2 emissions per annum.

Power produced at the wind farm will be sufficient to power about 110,000 homes in Italy.