The move follows following a formal and legal agreement with the community of Mollepina, wherein the company will maximize local employment and assist in basic infrastructure enhancements for the development, recreation, health and security of the community.

The authorization for exploration activities to include; soil studies, diamond drilling and geophysics and responsible use of water and resources.

It will also provide complete access to the land, utilzing specialized man portable equipment to reduce surface impact while permitting construction of basic infrastructure, camps and offices as required

The initial term of the agreement is for two years.

As part of their formalization process the company has granted and area of 10ha to the artisan miners located on the Delicia concession for their exclusive use and operations.

This agreement has granted the company a royalty equivalent to 1% of total sales and the right to purchase the artisan miners’ production at market value.

The community agreement is necessary for submittal of an 8,255m drill plan with the receipt of a drill permit anticipated for early May.

Drilling is planned in two phases an initial 3,015m phase one drill program is designed to delineate a near surface resource with the second phase advancing the potential resource down dip and along strike.