The mineralised zone at the Theseus Project palaeochannel system has confirmed over a minimum strike length of 8km and averages 500m wide, varying in thickness from 1m to 9m.
The tenor and grade of intersection results above at >0.1%GT would be considered ore-grade for a typical In Situ Recovery (ISR) operation.
The palaeochannel system is considered open to the northwest and to the southeast with a secondary, mineralised, 2km long tributary that is also open to the east.
Toro Energy has completed a total of 51 aircore holes for 6,666m and 64 mud rotary holes for 8,519m at the Theseus project.
The extra geophysical information gained from the mud rotary drilling will enable the firm to build a geological model to constrain higher-grade mineralisation and provide targets for drilling in 2012.