The exploration well has encountered about 5m of hydrocarbon pay in an overall Miocene sandstone/shale interval of 25m thickness at a depth of about 900m below mean sea level.

Initial analyses of logs and samples confirm a sweet, light oil of 34-35 degrees API gravity with a gas:oil ratio of about 350 scf/bbl and no water.

The well was unable to penetrate the main Chalk target or the underlying Middle Jurassic secondary target due to an unexpected pore pressure regime and extensive fracturing at Chalk level.

As a result, the well is now being sidetracked to a revised location with the aim to try again to penetrate the Chalk target and establish its fluid content and reservoir development.

PA Resources UK operates License 12/06 with a 64% interest, and its partners in this license are Nordsøfonden (Danish North Sea Fund) (20%), Danoil Exploration (8%) and Spyker Energy (8%).