The project will enable SSE to work with its business customers to temporarily reduce or shift energy use when overall demand spikes, creating transmission and distribution bottlenecks.

The initial deployment is being supported by the Low Carbon Network Fund, which was established by the UK energy regulator Ofgem to promote the development of energy conservation technologies and implementation of smart grid solutions.

As part of the pilot, Honeywell said it will use several technologies in its portfolio – including offerings from Akuacom and Tridium – to connect SSE with commercial and industrial buildings on the utility’s Bracknell network in southern England.

The demand response automation server (DRAS) from Akuacom allows the utility to alert customers when energy use is expected to peak and create grid congestion.

At each facility, a Tridium controller will help automate load-shedding strategies during these periods, Honeywell said.

The controller listens for signals from the DRAS and communicates with the building management system, which then makes short-term changes based on parameters the customer sets in advance.

Honeywell will also offer consulting and engineering services to help the customers develop shed strategies, looking for ways to briefly reduce energy use with minimal impact to operations.