A 500kv power line will be constructed from BPA’s Big Eddy Substation near The Dalles, Oregon, to a new substation four miles northwest of Goldendale, Washington.

The initial 14 miles of the transmission line will start from Big Eddy Substation will use double-circuit towers that will carry the new line and an existing BPA transmission line on mostly existing right-of-way.

Other 14 miles of the power line will use newly acquired right-of-way and the company will also build a new substation about four miles northwest of Goldendale.

Construction of the project is scheduled to begin this month and is estimated to cost around $185m, which will be financed partly by the borrowing authority included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The project is subject to the receipt of necessary approval and permits.

Upon completion, the power line will help BPA provide transmission service for more than 4,000MW of clean, renewable wind energy.