In addition to owning a 20% stake in British Energy’s existing eight nuclear power plants, Centrica will also off-take 20% of the uncontracted power from the fleet. EDF and Centrica will form a separate 80/20 joint venture through which they will undertake the pre-development activities for a planned nuclear new build programme, with the intention of constructing, and operating and decommissioning four European Pressurised Reactors. EDF will also provide Centrica with an additional 18TWh of power at market prices over five years from 2011.

Sam Laidlaw, chief executive of Centrica, said: “We are delighted to have now completed the transaction with EDF. We believe nuclear energy is an essential component in ensuring clean, secure energy for the UK and we are proud to be part of our country’s nuclear renaissance.

“The price secured for the sale of SPE will help preserve our balance sheet firepower as we consider other investment opportunities that will further underpin UK energy supply security.”