Significant results include: 2 meter (m) at 506 parts per million (ppm) U3O8 from 1m; 3m at 461ppm U3O8 from 5m. Both in an envelope of 7m at 394ppm U3O8 from 1m in hole TURC64. 3m at 405ppm U3O8 from surface in hole TURC71; 2m at 445ppm U3O8 from 5m; in an envelope of 10m at 313ppm U3O8 from 1m in TURC70; 1m at 383ppm U3O8 from 3m in hole TURC65.

Initial indications of grades are comparable to those of other significant shallow deposits in the northern Territory such as Napperby Well. Results have important implications towards the investigation of other as yet untested radiometric anomalies on company’s Daly River tenement holdings.

Assay results so far have returned uranium mineralization with widths up to 10m at the base of a brecciated sandstone unit above siltstones and carbonaceous shales). Mineralization is continuous on drill section, and open along strike between ~600m spaced sections and down dip. Assays remain pending for nine holes from this first phase of drilling. Gamma-ray scintilometer readings for some of these holes gave positive indications of uranium mineralization.

The Energy Prospect is the first uranium occurrence discovered in the younger mid Proterozoic rock sequences on Territory Uranium’s ground and is unusual in the region.