Both the holes are outside the current resource and appear to represent a new zone of mineralization. This new high grade zone is at a shallower depth (100-150 meters) than the current resource.

The new zone remains open along strike.

The two holes reported in this news release were designed to test the edge of a radon and radiometric anomaly trending northwest from the current uranium resource. The first drill hole, LE-K-29, was drilled 35 metres north of the current resource limit. Based on the high grade intercept in that hole, Tournigan Energy stepped out a further 20 metres to the northwest and drilled LE-K-32, which also intersected high grade mineralization.

The mineralization occurs at a shallower depth (100 to 150 metres from surface) than the current Main Zone resource and is in a different geologic setting, occurring in interformational schist horizons in the hanging wall, rather than at the volcano-sedimentary contact which localizes the Main Zone. It is speculated that this new zone may represent remobilization and redeposition of uranium along favorable structures. The radon and radiometric anomalies extend at least 400 metres from the current resource boundary and this high grade zone remains open along strike.

Tournigan Energy has two drill rigs working at Kuriskova as the company continues to advance the project through a prefeasibility study.

The uranium grades presented from drill holes LE-K-29 and LE-K-32 in this news release are reported as equivalent uranium oxide (eU3O8%) as determined by downhole radiometric logging. The logging was performed by Koral, s.r.o. of Slovakia. Quality control and quality assurance is provided by Ravi Sharma, Tournigan Energy’s Manager, Resources and Reserves. Drill core samples are being submitted to ALS Chemex in Seville, Spain for chemical assay; assay results are expected by mid-December. Drill intercept thicknesses are reported as drilled; true thicknesses have not yet been calculated. While Tournigan Energy has experienced a good correlation between our radiometric readings and our chemical assays, it is not linear. At these grades, chemical assays are expected to be equal or higher than radiometric eU3O8 equivalent that is reported.