Production from the platform is tied into BPTT’s Mahogany B platform, via a 26-inch diameter 5.3 mile subsea pipeline, where the gas is processed and then exported into BPTT’s existing infrastructure. Gas from Savonette will supply Atlantic LNG’s liquefaction plant for export as LNG to international markets, as well as the domestic market.

With Savonette, BPTT now has production from 12 offshore platforms.

Production from Savonette is expected to average 600 million standard cubic feet per day of gas, plus associated condensate, from four wells. Savonette production will contribute to maintaining bpTT’s total production level at more than 450,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day.

The Savonette platform, installed in February 2009, is the fourth in a series of normally unmanned installations designed and constructed locally in Trinidad using a standardized ‘clone’ concept. The 1,898 tonne jacket and the 871 tonne topsides were built at the Trinidad Offshore Fabricators (TOFCO) yard in La Brea, south Trinidad.

BPTT’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert Riley said: “Since completing the Cannonball platform in 2005, in just four years bpTT has designed and constructed three further platforms right here in Trinidad and commenced production from each – Mango, Cashima and now Savonette. I am very proud of bpTT’s sustained track record in managing projects of this magnitude and with such tight timelines – designing, constructing and producing from four platforms in four years is a great achievement.”

The Savonette platform has high Trinidadian local content with some 30 per cent of its total engineering, procurement and construction value being spent in country and with T&T nationals being responsible for 55 per cent of the project management hours and 98 per cent of total fabrication hours.

Savonette Project Manager Liz Mulliss noted: “The project has progressed safely without any lost-time incidents. BPTT has now operated for just over 12 million manhours without a lost-time incident.”