Northern Petroleum will review both the Tiendeveen and Geesbrug data to assess the range of possible reserves, development options and synergies. No potential gas in place volumes were assigned to the Zechstein prior to drilling.

The intermediate casing will now be run in the hole cemented and pressure tested before the drilling deeper to to the primary reservoir targets located in the Permian Rotliegend sandstone and the Carboniferous Dalen and Hardenberg sandstones. The estimated mean potential gas in place for these reservoirs is 60bcf with an upside P10 potential of 98bcf. Once drilling has been completed further wireline logging will be undertaken on Tiendeveen to confirm the presence of hydrocarbons in the deeper primary targets.

Partners in the well are Northern Petroleum Nederland B.V. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Northern Petroleum) with 45%, Energie Beheer Nederland B.V. and Dyas B.V. with 40% and 15% respectively.