The results of the survey indicate along-strike continuity of sulphide mineralization over a three kilometer segment of prospective stratigraphy and a depth continuity in excess of 100 meters; beyond the depth limitations of the pole-dipole electrode configuration.
"The IP Geophysical Survey increases our confidence in the strike and depth continuity of copper mineralization at Burfjord," stated Karl Antonius, President and CEO. "Copper mineralization at Burfjord consists of high grade copper veins within a broader mineralized envelope and the results of this survey affirm Boreal's target size criteria."
The Burfjord Project is located in Northern Norway is accessed in spring, summer and fall by approximately six kilometers of four-wheel drive roads from the village of Badderen; approximately three kilometers of this road was recently upgraded for a regional powerline project. In winter months, the project is accessed via snowmobile or snowcat routes that cross the project area. Badderen is located approximately 13 kilometers south of the town of Burfjord on a paved highway, and approximately 100 kilometers from Alta, Norway (regional airport).
Overview of the Burfjord Project
The Burfjord project is comprised of six exploration licenses totaling 5,500 hectares in the Kåfjord copper belt near Alta,Norway. Copper mineralization was mined in the Burfjord area during the 19th century, with over 30 historic mines and prospects developed along the flanks of a prominent 4 x 6 kilometer fold (anticline) consisting of interbedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Many of the rocks in the anticline have undergone intense hydrothermal alteration and sulphide mineralization. Mineralization occurs as both high grade Cu-Au bodies that were historically mined at high cutoff grades (>3% Cu), but Boreal has recognized significant volumes of bulk tonnage potential Cu-Au mineralization developed in stockwork vein arrays throughout the property position (Figure 3). Veins in the area are dominated by carbonate and iron-oxide minerals (magnetite and hematite), but also contain chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite in addition to cobalt-rich pyrite as generally coarse-grained (often 0.5 centimeter to multi-centimeter scale) disseminations in the veins. Discreet zones of cobalt and nickel mineralization are also seen on the property. Only limited exploration has taken place in the modern era. The best historical drill intercept consists of 7 meter @ 3.6% Cu was obtained from the Cedarsgruvan prospect in the northern portion of the claim block.
The mineralization at Burfjord occurs as a combination of bedding controlled and structurally controlled, discontinuous, high-grade veins (one to several meters in thickness) generally surrounded by stockwork vein and disseminated zones of previously unknown dimensions. The variably altered and mineralized horizons form a series of discontinuous ridges defined by the stratigraphic layering (original bedding horizons likely controlled mineralizing fluid flow) where the ridge tops are dominantly comprised of relatively un-veined and unmineralized rocks. Boreal geologists recognized that along the flanks of these ridges, where most historic mining took place on the outcropping high-grade veins, well-mineralized stockwork vein zones occur. However, these recessive vein zones disappear under till cover and their lateral and vertical extents are not known. Due to the style of the mineralization, it was determined that IP Geophysical "mapping" method could be utilized.
Burfjord IP Geophysics
An IP and Resistivity Survey was conducted between October 5 and October 25, 2017 at Burfjord, by GeoVista AB. Approximately, 23 line-kilometers of near surface "Werner Array" measurements were made with 30 meter electrode separation and 100 meter line spacing roughly perpendicular to and crossing two of the stockwork vein zones. This methodology was utilized in order to track chargeable disseminated sulphide mineralization under the shallow till cover in order to determine the near-surface continuity of mineralization. Pole-dipole measurements were carried out along two selected lines with four receiver dipoles and electrode separations from 0 to 195 meters. The pole-dipole measurements provide a sense of depth (for this survey on the order of 100 meters) continuity of chargeable disseminated sulphide mineralization which is correlated with copper mineralization at Burfjord.
The survey results successfully demonstrate the projection of mineralization under cover for widths on the order of 100 meters or more, the continuity of the mineralization along trend for at least 3,000 meters, and projection to depths of at least 100 meter. Based on these results, Boreal has permitted a drill program to test the grade and continuity of mineralization and anticipates executing this program in the first half of 2018.