The Turquoise Marine-1 discovery is located around 28 kilometres from the Azurite field, in which PA Resources is a 35% licence partner.

Turquoise Marine-1 is an important oil discovery for PA Resources – it’s our second discovery in the Mer Profond Sud Block. We will be looking at appraisal and development options for Turquoise Marine-1 in the coming months and will be seeking to optimize the existing Azurite field infrastructure, says Ulrik Jansson, president and chief executive officer at PA Resources.

The rig now moves to the Diamant Marine-1 prospect which lies even closer to the Azurite field.

Murphy Oil serves as operator and has a 50% working interest in Turquoise Marine-1 and the Mer Profond Sud block. Partners are PA Resources (35%) and Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (15%).