ADB’s technical assistance would be sourced from the Climate Change Fund and technical assistance special fund.

The technical assistance would provide a plan for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects, and policies, legal and regulatory frameworks to promote its use. The technical assistance would also identify the priority demonstration projects and their financing requirements, as well as undertake capacity assessment and comprehensive capacity development in the areas of CCS demonstration.

The application of CCS on coal-fired power plants would provide with capture and permanent storage of carbon dioxide emissions. The application of CCS is more suited for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant, which converts coal into synthetic gas to power gas turbines. The outcomes of the conversion include carbon dioxide, which can be captured before combustion, which is a low cost capture.

ADB’s technical assistance supports PRC’s intention to develop its first IGCC demonstration power plant in Tianjin city, which is lined up for ADB financing under the Country Programming Mission (2009-2011).