Under this partnership, Dongjiang Environmental will install and operate methane recovery systems on landfill sites, while EC&R will purchase the resulting carbon credits (CER) and offer access to technical expertise in landfill gas capture and gas-fired power generation.

As a first step into this partnership, both parties signed a carbon credit purchase contract for their first joint project on the landfill site in the city of Qingdao in North Eastern China. The gas collected from the site will be used to generate around 3.2 MW of green electricity and prevent the equivalent of 120,000 tonnes of CO2 being released in the atmosphere per year, said the company.

Herve Touati, managing director of Carbon Sourcing and Non-Wind Technologies at EC&R said: “This is great partnership and an exciting project for us to be involved with. I would like to thank Dongjiang Environmental and The Harmony Climate Group for all their hard work and look forward to many other successful developments in the near future.”

Xie Henghua, Executive Director of the Municipal Solid Waste Division of Dongjiang Environmental, said: “This is the first CDM project developed by our Group. We value so much this opportunity of entering into partnership with E. ON Climate & Renewables, which is an important step for us to facilitate our development in the renewable energy resources market in China.”

Both parties were brought together by The Harmony Climate Group (THCG) who act as a commercial agent for EC&R in China.