Throughout the Historic Mine Trend, the aggressive exploration program is focused on building continuity between the target areas and linking them together over large areas into continuous zones of mineralization.

The current drill results from the Western Zone are from holes drilled along the north margin of the Moosehead-Caribou Pit, and from the northern margin of the Beavertail Pit and mineralized zone, located 300 metres to the south of the Moosehead Pit.

Highlights from the Moosehead Pit area, Western Zone, include:

  • 0.59 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) over 50.3 metres (m) in PGS413
  • 1.70 g/t Au over 24.4 m within 1.13 g/t Au over 45.7 m in PGS414
  • 0.48 g/t Au over 35.1 m in PGS416
  • 3.09 g/t Au over 4.6 m within 1.14 g/t Au over 30.5 m in PGS418
  • 2.06 g/t Au over 4.6 m within 0.80 g/t Au over 47.2 m in PGS422


  • The highlight holes complete drilling on approximately 50 m-spaced fences along the north margin of the Moosehead Pit, over an east-west strike length of approximately 300 metres.
  • The holes extend unmined surface and near-surface mineralization to depth in a north-northwest direction.
  • The zone appears to extend further to the west, and awaits further drilling.
  • The drilling will add significantly to the mineralization endowment in the Western Zone.     

Highlights from the Beavertail Pit area, Western Zone, include:

2.35 g/t Au over 4.6 m within 0.72 g/t Au over 22.9 m and 0.69 g/t Au over 7.6 m and 0.55 g/t Au over 21.3 m in PGS433

0.76 g/t Au over 38.1 m and 0.50 g/t over 4.6 m in PGS436


  • The highlight holes represent the first test of the Beavertail Pit area, located 300 m south of the Moosehead Pit.
  • The highlight holes represent approximately 50 m step-outs to the northeast of existing mineralization.
  • Mineralization starts at surface in this area, which includes a large number of unmined drill holes with gold mineralization at shallow depth.
  • Additional drilling is planned for this area, and surface mapping and sampling will address the gap between Beavertail and Moosehead, with further drilling to be carried out if warranted.

Highlights from the Dip Slope Zone include:

  • 2.49 g/t Au over 10.7 m within 1.15 g/t over 35.1 m in PGS415
  • 1.84 g/t over 19.8 m within 1.06 g/t Au over 50.3 m in PGS421
  • 2.23 g/t Au over 6.1 m within 1.05 g/t Au over 21.3 m in PGS440
  • 1.47 g/t Au over 18.3 m and 1.06 g/t Au over 3.0 m in PGS445
  • 1.63 g/t Au over 9.1 m within 0.96 g/t Au over 36.6 m in PGS450


  • The Dip Slope is a very large, relatively sparsely drilled area that spans over 2 square kilometres.
  • Current drill results include holes from the eastern Dip Slope Zone, which continues to yield excellent results in the area to the north of the Hassayampa historic pit.
  • A newly-accessed area of the central Dip Slope Zone, characterized by the presence of extensive jasperoid mineralization with surface grab samples up to 11 g/t Au, is also represented. Mineralization in this area starts at or near surface. Additional drilling is planned for this area.

Goldstrike is located in the eastern Great Basin, immediately adjacent to the Utah/Nevada border, and is a Carlin-style gold system, similar in many ways to the prolific deposits located along Nevada’s Carlin trend. Like Kinsley Mountain and Newmont’s Long Canyon deposit, Goldstrike represents part of a growing number of Carlin-style gold systems located off the main Carlin and Cortez trends in underexplored parts of the Great Basin. The historic Goldstrike Mine operated from 1988 to 1994, with 209,000 ounces of gold produced from 12 shallow pits, at an average grade of 1.2 g/t Au.