An asphalt removal program of the City Repair Project, called Depave, made the list, as did Portland State University’s hosting of the annual Village Building Convergence.

The projects are:

— Holy Redeemer Community Garden: $10,000;

— St. Francis Onsite Storm Water Management: $10,000;

— Franciscan Montessori Storm Water ALIVE!: $8,410;

— Three Rivers Land Conservancy Baltimore Woods Restoration: $7,000;

— PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team: $6,890;

— Depave: $6,404;

— Friends of Tideman Johnson Restoration and Biomonitoring: $6,400;

— Tryon Creek Watershed Council Restoration Mentors: $6,100;

— PSU Look up and see Green: $6,000;

— Friends of Tryon Creek Ecology Field Team: $5,446;

— Columbia Slough Watershed Council Eyes on the Slough: $4,675;

— Big Four Minority Youth Trail Building: $4,515;

— Heron Pointe Wetlands Rehabilitation: $4,400;

— Brooklyn Country Lane Green Street: $3,000;

— Reynolds After School Environmentalists: $3,000;

— Friends of Vermont Creek Cavity Habitat Restoration: $2,760;

The Community Watershed Stewardship Program is a partnership between the city’s Bureau of Environmental Services, Portland State University and the Northwest Service Academy.