Sun Qin, NEA deputy head, said that with a power capacity of 800 million kW at present and an estimated 1.4 billion kW to 1.5 billion kW by 2020, this is the time to adjust the goal to match China’s fast energy development.

According to Sun, no final plan has been created yet to meet the goal as it needs additional work before it is reported to the State Council.

According to NEA, China would increase not only the quantity but also the quality of its nuclear power generation in revised mid-and-long term plan on nuclear power development.

We expected to realize self-design, self-construction and self-management of our nuclear power facilities by 2020, Sun said.

Currently, China’s nuclear power takes up 2% of the total power generation, while coal-fired power covers more than 80% of the total. Around 15% of the world’s power generation comes from nuclear energy.