Hole MT-09-11 is located on the new MT-06 zone discovered in April 2009.

The MT-06 zone is located on section 46+00S, 1.0 km south of the MT-34 core zone. Hole MT-09-006 returned an 8.9-metre intersection grading 0.21% eU3O8 including 1.1 meters at 0.96% eU3O8. This intersection is strongly altered in fuschite with the presence of pitchblende and uranophanes and is similar in size, grade and alteration to intersections near the MT-34 and MT-22 core zones.

As for the second drill actually mobilized for geotechnical drilling as part of preliminary work for the underground drilling program, it will go back to exploration drilling in the first week of June 2009.

Before going back to the MT-06 zone, where the potential to find a new lens appears excellent, the drill will make a stop in the sector of the high grade MT-34 lens, where hole MT-08-34 had intersected 1.32% eU3O8 on 28.0 meters including 6.13% eU3O8 on 4.8 meters. Two strategic drill holes will be carried out in order to expand already delineated mineral resources.

On the MT-34 zone, indicated mineral resources are estimated to total 88,000 tonnes grading 0.97% U3O8 containing 1,890,000 pounds U3O8 and inferred resources are estimated to total 527,000 tonnes grading 0.55% U3O8 containing 6,350,000 pounds U3O8. These results come from the NI 43-101 resource estimate updated by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates in September 2008.

Strateco Resources pursues aggressively its exploration activities in order to increase the mineral resources on the Matoush property. Furthermore, Strateco Resources has the necessary liquidity to do so. Strateco Resources recently received CAD7.8 million from the Quebec government in exploration credit and should receive amounts of more than CAD2 million in the upcoming months. The cash flow is presently more than CAD15 million for monthly expenses of CAD1.2 million.

Strateco Resources’ exploration activities are all concentrated in Quebec, considered to be amongst the most favourable region in the world for mine development, considering credits and the absence of political risks.

Licence and Environmental Impact Study

Following filling on November 4, 2008, of the Licence Application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for the underground exploration program and following the comments received from the CNSC in February 2009, Strateco Resources continues its detailed engineering plans and field work related to the environmental impact study.

Strateco Resources is also proceeding, with the help of a number of consultants, including Genivar, Golder and Melis, to the preparation of detailed engineering plans for the surface facilities, underground work, health and safety programs, radiation protection and environmental protection in order to finalize the licence application.

Regarding the environmental impact study, Strateco Resources received guidelines from the Evaluating Committee (COMEV), the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and from the CNSC in March 2009 pursuant to the filing of the Project Description in July 2008.

Strateco Resources expects to have all the detailed plans and programs and the environmental impact study completed and filed with the various authorities by the end of the third quarter of 2009.