The Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group (B&W PGG) will design, supply and fabricate critical boiler component materials including furnaces, superheaters, combustion systems and steam drum internals.

B&W PGG will also update the North County Resource Recovery Facility’s (NCRRF) furnace and combustion system to incorporate a straight-walled furnace design with a PrecisionJet overfire air system.

Engineering is currently underway at B&W PGG’s headquarters in Barberton, Ohio. Material delivery is scheduled for March 2010, with the NCRRF Unit-1 scheduled to go online in August 2010, and Unit-2 to go online in January 2011. When complete, each refurbished Stirling power boiler will supply 320,000 pounds-per-hour of steam to generate a combined 65MW of electricity.

B&W subsidiary Palm Beach Resource Recovery Corporation had earlier signed a 20-year contract extension, beginning in October 2009, to continue its operation and management of the NCRRF.