In June 2008, the Lower Mahogany reservoir was successfully tested over a 17m interval. Following completion of this test, the partners took the decision to perform a second flow test, this time on the Upper Mahogany reservoir.

This latest test was conducted over a 23m perforated interval, representing approximately 40% of the oil-bearing pay of the Upper Mahogany reservoir. The interval flowed at a rate of 4,448 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and approximately 5.1 million cubic feet per day of associated natural gas.

In both tests, the reported flow rates were restricted by both equipment and facilities. These test results have provided important additional reservoir data in respect of the previously untested interval and reportedly confirm that Jubilee production wells should be capable of flowing at rates in excess of 20,000bopd when completed with 5.5-inch tubing.

Aidan Heavey, CEO, said: The result of the second test on Mahogany-2 continues to demonstrate the high quality of the Jubilee field and supports the partners’ fast track development approach. Allied to encouraging progress on development planning, facilities tendering and gas commercialization this latest result means that plans to sanction the development of the Jubilee field later in 2008 remain firmly on schedule.