The company is investing $450m in the construction of the wind farm and when completed, it will produce enough electricity to power around 155,000 Australian homes. 

It is also expected to offset more than 600,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year through its operations.

The wind farm will include 59 of Senvion’s turbines, each producing about 3.6MW of electricity. Apart from this, the wind farm is also expected to have battery storage.

The project will also include a 10MW system battery storage system. which is part of a major new development to reliably integrate renewable energy into the National Electricity Market.

Electricity produced from the wind farm will be fed into the national electricity grid via the Electranet transmission network.

Nexif Energy Australia executive director Zeki Akbas said: “Nexif Energy are committed to building something which will make a significant contribution to the renewable energy target while helping grid stability and reliability in South Australia and we anticipate the wind farm will operate for 25+ years, providing green, clean energy for the state.”

The Lincoln Gap wind farm, which is anticipated to be commissioned later this year,  will be built on farmland on a raised plateau next to the Eyre Highway.

An average workforce between 110 and 130 will be used for the wind farm’s construction out of which 50% will be sourced from South Australia, stated the company.

Image: Nexif Energy to begin construction of 212MW Australian wind farm. Photo: Courtesy of Jim Frech/