GeoSea has signed the EPCI contract for the 100 wind turbines and three offshore substation platform foundations and the transport and installation of 3 offshore substation platforms.

This is a conditional contract and will begin as soon as Moray East reaches financial close, which is expected to take place in the second half of next year.

Geosea Offshore Renewables Business Unit Manager Jan Klaassen said: “GeoSea has been involved from the very beginning of the project, back into 2012, whereby GeoSea and Moray East have been working on an in-depth understanding and rational distribution of risks, which clearly led to a reduced levelised cost of energy of the project.

“This close cooperation did lay a basis for the successful CfD award. Together with Ramboll, GeoSea has designed a jacket foundation concept integrating the challenges of the site, however optimised for fabrication and installation. The supply chain of approximately 100 steel jacket foundations and corresponding steel piles will be lined up the coming months.”

The offshore wind farm which will be located in UK’s North Sea, is expected to generate 950MW of clean energy from 100 turbines from MHI Vestas’ newly introduced V164-9.5MW. The total cost of the project is expected to reach £1.8bn. The wind farm will be located 22km from the shore and is expected to cover an area of 295km2.

When operational, the wind farm can offset 13 million tonnes of CO2 and 31,000 tonnes of SO2, while powering more than 950,000 UK households.

Moray East is a joint venture company comprising of EDP Renewables with 77 % stake and Engie with a 23 % stake. In September, the project was secured the contract of difference (CfD) from the UK Government in a £57.50/MWhr.

Image: GeoSea’s contract will begin as soon as Moray East reaches financial close. Photo: Courtesy of DEME.