
A partnership between Eastland Generation and the Kawerau A8D Ahu Whenua Trust, the Te Ahi O Maui geothermal project will generate electricity required to power 22,000 homes.

Te Ahi O Maui board chairman and Eastland Group CEO Matt Todd said: "Ormat has over 30 years’ experience in the New Zealand geothermal energy industry and is involved in 12 geothermal projects around the country.

"They have the necessary skills and knowledge that we can rely on for the successful delivery of the Te Ahi O Maui project."

With operational life of 35 years, the project is expected to transfer 15,000 tons per day of geothermal fluid from the Kawerau reservoir.

Te Ahi O Maui project manager Ben Gibson said that the Ormat’s technology will be suited to the Kawerau field.

Gibson noted: "We believe that this new plant should deliver in excess of 22MW of electricity."

Construction of the power plant expected to start by the end of this year upon successful drilling campaign. The power plant is planned to be commissioned completion in 2018.

The project is expected to contribute to the New Zealand’s plan to generate 90% of its total power generation from renewable energy sources by 2025.

Image: Ormat agreed with Te Ahi O Maui partnership to build the geothermal power plant in New Zealand. Photo: courtesy of Eastland Group Ltd.