With the entry into service of Sol Real, Enel has reached 354 MW of renewables installed capacity in Panama.

Enel has invested approximately $55m in the construction of Sol Real, which consists of five PV plants: Caldera Solar (5 MW) and Sol de David (8 MW), which are located in Chiriquí on the western coast of Panama, as well as Sol Real (11 MW), Milton Solar (10 MW) and Vista Alegre (8 MW), which are located in Coclé in central Panama.

The total 42 MW of capacity will be able to generate nearly 70 GWh of electricity per year, equivalent to the annual power consumption needs of around 33,000 local households, while avoiding the emission of around 60,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.

The energy generated by the 310,860 PV modules of the Sol Real facility will be purchased by EGPPA’s Fortuna hydro power plant. Sol Real will contribute to improving the security of energy supply and the balance of power market prices in Panama, particularly during the country’s dry season.

In Panama, Enel’s subsidiary EGPPA also operates the 300 MW Fortuna hydropower plant and the 12 MW Chiriquí PV facility.