The RWRF is currently rated to treat 8 million gallons of water per day (mgd). The expansion will increase the capacity to 12 mgd. Using a four-stage biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal process (modified BardenphoTM), membrane bioreactors, and ultraviolet disinfection technologies, the project will produce high-quality recycled water for recharge to Lake Elsinore and for use in landscape irrigation.
“Upgrade and expansion of the District’s water reclamation facilities with the latest technologies will help meet the growing demands of the community,” said Michael Johnson, Parsons Group President. “Parsons is proud to continue our work with the District and to bring our portfolio of expertise to Elsinore Valley.”
Parsons’ scope of work also includes converting the existing distributed control system to a supervisory control and data acquisition system, conducting a plantwide condition assessment, preparing the design package for reliability and redundancy upgrades to the existing 8 mgd treatment processes, supporting permitting and funding activities, and developing environmental documentation.
This 4-mgd expansion is the first of a three-phase expansion for the RWRF, which together will increase the ultimate capacity to 16.8 mgd.
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is a public, non-profit special district that provides public water service, water supply development and planning, wastewater treatment and disposal, and recycling.