The loan will improve access to safe, reliable, sustainable, and affordable water supply services for more than 260,000 inhabitants in the Kibray and Zangiota districts of the province.
The water supply and sanitation systems in Uzbekistan were established during the reign of Soviet Union and these systems are now old and need upgradations.
The country’s water supply and sanitation agencies have been trying to implement modern management and commercial practices for increasing their accountability and services.
But, Uzbekistan has been struggling with inadequate investments, increasing service coverage, poor operations and maintenance, weak financial sustainability and institutional regulatory capacity.
The project will refurbish the Kadirya regional water supply system by upgrading existing water supply networks, offering potable water treatment services, rehabilitating water distribution network, and
It will also improve the financial, operational, and system management of the Tashkent Provincial Suvokova for Kibray and Zangiota district branches.
The two districts Kibray and Zangiota are situated adjacent to Tashkent, the Uzbek capital and add to the economic development of the capital region. The districts also have an immense potential in the establishment of agro-industrial and textile industries.
Zangirota district has been identified for its potential in the establishment of a special economic zone (SEZ) in the future.
ADB Central and West Asia Department Principal Urban Development Specialist Hao Zhang said: “Much of the water supply infrastructure in Tashkent has deteriorated and needs extensive rehabilitation, resulting in unreliable services, leakage losses, and high water pollution risk.
“The project will significantly reduce time and money spent by households and businesses to access water and brings about improved living standards, especially in rural settlements.”
Image: ADB to offer $120m loan for improving water supply in Tashkent province, Uzbekistan. Photo: Courtesy of The Asian Development Bank.