The ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) link is operated by China Southern Power Grid. It is estimated to transmit 5GW of power across more than 1950km.

It will satisfy the power needs of more than 10 million people and can also reduce dependency of coal in the region and decrease carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions.

ABB will supply technologies which will be installed at the Xinsong converter station in Yunnan and the Dongfang station in Guangdong. Converter station at Xinsong will be located 2400 meters above sea-level.

The Swiss company says that the valves have been specifically designed to meet the demanding electrical and mechanical needs in the severe weather conditions.

ABB will supply dead-tank breakers, live-tank breakers and Direct Current (DC) capacitors along with equipment for converter valve towers and halls.

ABB Power Grids division president Claudio Facchin said: “We are pleased that our advanced power technologies will enable the longest UHVDC link in southern China to deliver clean power to millions and lower environmental impact.

“Ultra-high-voltage technologies are a key element of our Next Level strategy and will help expansive countries like China to reliably and efficiently transport increasing amounts of clean, renewable power over greater distances.”

ABB claims that UHVDC transmission is an advancement of HVDC technology, which it pioneered some 60 years ago. It is the biggest addition of capacity and efficiency in last two decades.