The first storage units are expected to be integrated into Ridgeline’s operating system in the Leonard Shale area in New Mexico by next month.

Ridgeline will be manufacturing storage units throughout next year in conjunction with its water treatment systems and for lease as stand-alone units.

The company has integrated pre-treatment of waste water into its Zero Impact water storage units.

The Zero Impact system is also designed to be leased as stand-alone storage units to oil and gas producer’s not currently using Ridgeline’s water treatment system.

The new Zero Impact water storage units can be installed on rocky or rough terrain without significant levelling, and the units will provide temporary or long term storage.

Ridgeline water treatment process inventor Dennis Danzik said the team has engineered the Zero Impact system to meet the needs of the company’s customers, including easy transportation and assembly of the units, while remaining durable and simple to work with.

"The Zero Impact System is also designed to work with the Ridgeline water treatment system," Danzik said.