One of these contracts require Fuel Tech to supply its Hert High Energy Reagent Technology and NOxOUT Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) injection technologies for nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction projects conducted by a domestic power producer on two coal-fired boilers.

Equipment deliveries for these orders, which are part of a larger alliance agreement calling for the potential supply of SNCR systems and related services for multiple coal-fired generating units, are scheduled for the third quarter of 2011.

Additionally, Fuel Tech has secured an order for two Ultra systems on two 330MW coal-fired units from an existing customer in a single power generation site in northeast China and plans to deliver the equipments in the first quarter of 2011.

The systems will enable the conversion of urea to ammonia for use as a reagent in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx, eliminating the hazards associated with the transport, storage and handling of anhydrous or aqueous ammonia.

Fuel Tech chairman, president and CEO, Douglas Bailey said that the order from the domestic alliance partner represents the sixth and seventh SNCR systems to be received since the alliance agreement was signed in March.

“This announcement also marks our eleventh and twelfth coal-fired unit award for Ultra systems in China, which will be an increasingly active market for Fuel Tech’s Ultra technology,” Bailey said.