In fiscal 2010, Siemens generated revenue of around EUR28bn with products and systems from its environmental portfolio, compared to slightly less than EUR27bn in fiscal 2009, thus reaching the original target of generating revenue of at least EUR25bn in 2011 earlier than planned.

In 2010, Siemens products including transformers used at combined-cycle power plants and wind farms, retrofitting of the existing power plants, energy-efficient lighting systems and trains are claimed to have enabled Siemens customers worldwide to cut their CO2 emissions by around 270 million tons.

Other future growth drivers for Siemens include, smart grids and their key components, an area in which Siemens anticipates total orders of around EUR6bn by the end of 2014.

Siemens’ environmental portfolio’s revenue and CO2 savings for fiscal 2010 will be reviewed by the auditing company Ernst & Young based on the criteria defined in the greenhouse gas initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute.

Siemens member of managing board Barbara Kux said that green innovations are the company’s lifeblood and as the largest supplier of environmental technologies in the world the company wants to – and will – increase its advantage over its most important competitors.