According to the company, the RAIS XT solar photovoltaic (PV) system has the capacity to generate around 20% more kilowatt hours per watt peak of system capacity installed and delivers the highest energy density than the conventional fixed tilt solar PV systems.

tenKsolar noted that RAIS XT utilizes commercially available off-the-shelf components and conventional silicon solar cells in a well engineered, patented tenKsolar PV module and PV system design.

Commenting on the partnership, Gehrlicher Solar America chief operating officer Jerry Shinn said that tenKsolar’s RAIS XT system gives more energy and better reliability at an affordable cost in specific applications.

tenKsolar Business Development VP Bill Simons said, "The increased efficiency of tenKsolar’s PV system creates a solid business case for projects that were previously ‘out of the money’ with conventional rooftop solar.

"Gehrlicher Solar’s vast experience in photovoltaics allows them to efficiently capture the value of tenKsolar’s maximum energy density, safety, and reliability in solar project finance models, especially commercial solar system lease programs."