Under the agreement with the US Department of Justice and US Environmentsl Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7, Lindsey will settle a series of construction stormwater violations that occurred during development of The Links of Columbia in Missouri.

According to EPA Region 7 inspection in May 2007, the company failed to implement and maintain practices to minimize runoff, to follow a stormwater pollution prevention plan, to comply with water quality standards, and to conduct site inspections.

EPA said the construction site lacked proper erosion controls, leading to accumulation of silt and sediment in Hominy Branch, a tributary of Hinkson Creek.

EPA issued a separate administrative compliance order to the defendants in August 2007, directing the companies to adhere to the requirements of the construction stormwater permit and take immediate actions to reduce runoff at the construction site.

Previous inspections by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in July 2006 and April 2007 also found that the defendants were not complying with stormwater management requirements, resulting in a letter of warning and a notice of violation issued by MDNR.

The settlement is subject to a 30-day public comment period and court approval before it becomes final.