Through these awards, New York continues to invest in a clean energy economy and strives to achieve the goal of meeting 45% of our energy needs through energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2015.

These projects will reduce energy and operating costs by more than $2.7 million and achieve payback in just over four years. Measures funded include installation of lighting and lighting controls, HVAC and HVAC controls, photovoltaic systems, solar thermal, and advanced technology vehicles and equipment.

“During a time of declining resources, these funds will provide public and non-profit entities with critical resources needed to make long-term investments that will reduce their energy costs and save taxpayers money,” Governor Paterson said. “These investments, along with funding opportunities currently available through NYSERDA, will invigorate the State’s economy, heighten the demand for clean renewable technologies, and increase the need for a larger green collar workforce within New York’s clean energy economy. I applaud President Obama and our Congressional Delegation for their work to secure these critical funds that promote economic recovery, energy independence, and strong environmental stewardship.”

The projects, which were competitively selected under the State Energy Program, represent the first step of funding from a program that will total $74 million. Additional awards are expected to be made before the end of the year.

Francis J. Murray, Jr., NYSERDA president and chief executive officer said, “Implementing energy conservation measures is absolutely critical to achieving the State’s mission to reduce energy consumption, protect the environment, and attain energy security. The State Energy Program fits hand in glove with the Governor’s ambitious energy goals of meeting 45% of the State’s electricity needs through improved energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2015, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the State by 80% by the year 2050. NYSERDA looks forward to working with the award recipients to help them achieve the greatest savings possible.”

More than 427 proposals were received by NYSERDA and evaluated on a competitive basis. Primary selection criteria included technical viability, cost-effectiveness, demonstration of compliance with program requirements, and cost sharing. A total cost of awarded projects is more than $33 million. Each awardee must still successfully enter into contract and meet all ARRA requirements prior to funding being released.

The next round of funding for the remaining $49.9 million has been announced with proposals due to NYSERDA on November 23, 2009. Additional due dates will be available pending remaining funding availability.