The EEWT grant program, which is funded by the US Department of Energy’s State Energy Program, offers grants up to $100,000 for replacement of water treatment pumps and motors. Applicants for the program are required to provide a 50% cost match.

US DOE has allocated a total of $340,000 for this program. The amount of each grant, which will be available to government-owned water treatment facilities in Indiana, will range from $25,000 to $100,000.

In addition to the replacement of water treatment facilities pumps and motors, the program will also consider projects that utilize other technologies for reducing energy usage in a water treatment facility.

However, the project is required to show demonstrable energy efficiency improvements to be approved under this program.

Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman said that the energy savings that can be realized by replacing pumps and motors in a water treatment facility are significant. With this grant it’s possible for the local match to pay for itself in just two years.