The new Living Machine is a turbo-charged engineered wetland system which integrates the compact footprint of conventional wastewater treatment technologies with the energy efficiency of traditional constructed wetlands. In operation in over two dozen locations worldwide, the Living Machine system is a patented and trademarked technology provided only by Worrell Water.

Let’s face it, water is our next big crisis, pointed out Tom Worrell, chairman of Worrell Water, referring to statistics that show over 1 billion people worldwide have no contact to safe drinking water and 40% of people globally deal with water scarcity at some level. We have to be realistic that centralized water and wastewater treatment systems can simply not handle water demand in the midst of our dwindling water supply. The Living Machine® is the wastewater treatment and recycling technology for the 21st century.

As result of water scarcity, the cost of water is increasing, and several US states are struggling with how to keep up with the water demand. In several areas of the country, huge amounts of energy and dollars are spent to the transport clean water many miles to any location, only to pump it out and send water again many miles away for the sewage treatment.

As a substitute, the new Living Machine system enables for on-site, local water recycling, decreasing demand for treated water and generating fresh water for landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, industrial processes, washing equipment or animal areas, landscape water features (i.e. fish ponds) and other uses.

Recycling water is high on everyone’s list as water costs rise and availability sinks. The Living Machine® allows communities and institutions to locally manage wastewater and significantly reduce water use in an ecologically sound way that is both energy-efficient and aesthetically beautiful, stated William Kirksey, senior vice president, Worrell Water.

The Living Machine customers conserve on water costs and reduce water usage:

One Living Machine technology customer, the Guilford County School District in Greensboro, North Carolina, uses a Living Machine system to treat up to 30,600 gallons of wastewater per day from its middle and high school buildings, generating enough clean water to irrigate three athletic fields. The new Living Machine system enables them to avoid $4 million in capital costs to hook up to the city sewer lines.

At the Esalen Institute, in Big Sur, California, the facility utilizes the Living Machine system to treat and recycle wastewater from the laundry and lodging for drip irrigation, protecting the groundwater resources and conserving water supplies.

The Las Vegas Animal Shelter in Las Vegas, Nevada, uses the Living Machine system as part of its water reclamation strategy to capture, treat, and recycle up to 20,000 gallons per day of water used for washing kennels.

The Living Machine system provides the following benefits over other treatments systems:

Advanced effluent water quality;

Water reuse for various applications;

Small footprint and readily scalable for increased flow rates;

Low energy consumption and low methane (GHG) emissions;

Low operating costs;

No odor;

Eligible for LEED credits;

Aesthetic quality, combining the beauty and complexity of nature into the structure of buildings or site landscaping, offering residents and visitors with an educational experience and direct tangible connection to natural systems.