In-flight information from the sortie was analyzed by the team of experts who concluded that aerosol emissions were down 50% when compared to conventional fuel.

Additional tests on a static engine revealed that particle emissions were reduced by 25% and black carbon emissions by 49%.

Engine performance of the bio-fuel powered jet was comparable to a convention fuel powered jet but fuel efficiency was 1.5% better in the former.

Commenting on the encouraging results National Research Council of Canada president John R McDougall said that the further work was required to bring the technology into the market.

"The flight went smoothly and the data collected enables us to better understand the impact of biofuel on the environment.

"The final product will be a sustainable option for reducing aviation emissions," opined McDougall.

The research council had flown a Falcon 20 at an altitude of 30,000ft, similar to a regular commercial aircraft, while a T-33 tailed the Falcon in flight to measure the engine emissions.