
The consortium Peace River Hydro Partners including Acciona Infrastructure Canada, Petrowest Corporation and Samsung C&T Canada will sign a $1.5bn contract for main civil works at the project that will generate clean electricity.

Work under this contract will include the construction of an earthfill dam, two diversion tunnels and a concrete foundation for the generating station and spillways.

The contract is expected to create close to 8,000 person-years of employment over the eight-year contract.

During peak construction phase, nearly 1,500 jobs will be created at the project.

British Columbia Premier Christy Clark said: "The Site C project is creating thousands of jobs for our province, as well as significant opportunities for apprenticeships, skills training, and business contracts.

"As B.C.’s diverse economy continues to grow, Site C is part of our vision to meet long-term energy needs, providing clean, renewable and affordable electricity for generations."

The contract will require the consortium to carry out river diversion works, including construction of two 10.8m internal diameter concrete-lined tunnels between 700m to 800m in length, and associated cofferdams and intake and outlet structures.

It will also cover 32 million cubic metres of excavation for structures, including the approach channel and tailrace.

The earthfill dam will be built 60m above the present river level.

Peace River Hydro Partners would also provide ancillary works such as a permanent network of site roads, site drainage and debris handling facilities.

The clean electricity generated at the project will be enough to power more than 450,000 annually.

Peace River South MLA Mike Bernier said: "Main civil works is the single largest work package for Site C and it will provide jobs and economic benefits for the Peace region.

"I look forward to seeing a contract award soon and the start of construction of the earthfill dam. This is a very good achievement for the project."

Construction of the project is expected to contribute $3.2bn to the local economy.

Image: During peak construction phase, nearly 1,500 jobs will be created at the project. Photo: courtesy of markuso / FreeDigitalPhotos.net.