KPT has been formed with the intention of assisting primary metals producers to develop and finish products with an array of custom chemicals and technologies aimed at optimizing plant efficiencies and reducing costs.

The new enterprise will offer a package of treatment and production chemicals with custom-designed chemical treatment schemes for water and wastewater to enhance metal production.

Many of the chemicals used in metals production go to the wastewater stream and Kroff Process Technologies has been developed to provide its knowledge in both types of chemistries to facilitate cost efficiencies and process improvements for producers.

David Sunderlik, area manager of Kroff, said: “The creation of KPT is a natural progression for Kroff. Our customers trust and rely on us to provide them with custom chemicals that treat their water and wastewater.

“Now, as trusted advisers, we can provide them with the same attention and custom chemicals that will improve their production processes. In essence, we become part of their production team, providing a single point of contact for all of their chemical needs.”