Use of this new GPS system will offer up-to-the-minute emission monitoring results, in addition to detailed data for various pertinent and critical engine management functions, incorporating temperatures, pressures, fuel consumption, etc.

Ronn Motors chief executive officer, Ronn Maxwell, said, Our new GPS systems will provide us with immediate access to important information and will allow us to more readily track and monitor results data derived directly from the trucks as they roll down the road. It will provide us with a much more accurate picture of reliability, fuel economies and reduced emissions delivered by the H2GO(TM) system. By connecting the GPS systems into the trucks’ on-board computer, all engine related functions including fuel usage, speed, idle times, coolant temperatures, as well as those standard functions such as vehicle location will be tracked, monitored and available in real time.

Ronn added, What makes this even more exciting, is that the Fleet Owners will be able to view the improved performance results data in real-time, on their computers, in their offices. We expect this will provide a significant degree of comfort, knowing that they will be presented with a very clear & actual picture of the benefits and advantages as a result of the use of our H2GO(TM) systems. They will see a reduction in operating costs through better fuel mileage as well as reduced emissions, both of which can significantly impact their bottom line profitability. This is a much better alternative when compared to the standard anecdotal observations. We know this will further enhance our credibility, increase H2GO(TM) system sales, dramatically shorten the sales cycle and provide Ronn Motors a clear and distinct advantage over perceived competitors, and we believe that it will position Ronn Motors to take advantage of President Obama’s cap and trade system already in use throughout Europe.

Peter Orszag, Obama’s budget director, projects that the cap and the trade system could pick up steam, and be generating up to $300 billion a year by 2020. The cap and trade system puts a cap on the amount of greenhouse gas a company can emit, when the company goes over the cap, they must purchase the pollution allowances or credits from the companies that stay below the cap, thus rewarding the energy efficiency and clean energy using companies. Obama believes the plan will decrease emissions 80% by 2050.