The system allows customers to place their unwanted cell phones in a postage-paid donation bag and send it to UWRL, thereby preventing many cell phones, which contain hazardous metals like lead, cadmium and mercury, from going to landfill and entering water sources.
This system compliments California’s new Cell Phone Recycling Act, which requires mobile phone retailers to have an end-to-end system in place to recycle or dispose of their products.
GGER will supply the refurbished cell phones to AFCO under an agreement for the delivery of 33 million processed cell phones over a 16-year period, generating $400m revenue for the company over the contract period.
The company expects to supply an estimated 200,000 cell phones in 2010 at a sale price of $12/phone. This will procure revenue of $2.4m for the company for FY2010.