The government set up a £39m to fund five End Use Energy Demand centers that examine business and household energy demand with the objective of understanding energy demand and methods to change future behavior of energy consumers.

UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change and retailer John Lewis will introduce a product-labelling trial in 2013 to inform consumers of the lifetime running costs of household appliances.

Finally the government will look to drive energy efficiency in public sector organizations.

Commenting on the government’s initiatives Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker remarked that they are committed to energy efficiency and that it’s an integral part of the government’s energy policy.

"Using energy more wisely is absolutely vital in a world of increased pressure on resources and rising prices.

"Not only can energy efficiency help save money on bills and cut emissions, it can support green jobs, innovation and enterprise.

"This is Britain’s first comprehensive Energy Efficiency Strategy and sets out the action we are taking now, as well as what we will do in the future to ensure the UK continues to be a global leader in reducing energy use."