Solon will supply 3,696 ground-mounted panels for the project that has been designed to generate 1,016kW of direct current power or approximately 1,300MWh per year, enough to annually power more than 100 homes.

Rivermoor Energy, a solar developer and Fischbach & Moore, an electrical contractor, have already started construction on the Haverhill project on five acre land and expects to complete the project in the fall of 2010.

The company expects this solar generation facility in Haverhill to save 22 tons of sulfur dioxide, 9 tons of nitrous oxides, and 16,000 tons of carbon dioxide over a 30-year period.

Fouad Dagher, program manager of renewable energy at National Grid, said: “We are pleased to have selected the Solon-Rivermoor Energy-Fischbach team to supply materials and expertise for our Haverhill solar site as we continue development of our solar projects under Massachusetts’ Green Communities Act.

“The project supports the solar industry both in materials and in providing green jobs in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We’ve already completed one site in Whitinsville, Massachusetts. Haverhill is next, and three more sites are underway, for a total of five megawatts of solar generation.”