Energy consumption of 1.5 million kW hours is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 208 passenger vehicles.

As part of a Phase II energy conservation and sustainability project underway throughout campus, ASU’s partner APS Energy Services replaced over 2,000, 150 W metal halide fixtures with Lighting Science’s 78 W LED low bay luminaires.

For this environmentally conscious university of nearly 80,000 students, faculty and staff, the lighting replacement project offers a variety of benefits.

“Exploring the value of LED lighting solutions is an important component to ‘greening’ our university,” said Bonny Bentzin, the director of sustainable business practices at ASU. “In addition to the superior level of illumination offered by the LED fixtures, installing energy efficient lighting provides financial and environmental benefits.”

Improving the light quality in a parking facility enables people to better identify pedestrians, other vehicles and obstructions, helping them feel safer. Lighting Science’s pyramid-shaped LED fixtures are made up of 108 light sources, whereby if one light source dims or fails, other light sources remain to provide a reliable level of illumination. The new fixtures are also less costly to maintain because they last 50,000 hours, or about three times longer than the typical metal halide fixture they replace.

“APS Energy Services is proud to be a partner with the University in taking yet another step toward their goal of reducing overall energy consumption and its footprint on the environment,” said APS Energy Services’ Senior Account Executive, Rick Becker.

“We are proud to be a part of Arizona State University’s initiative to employ sustainable, energy efficient technologies throughout the Tempe campus,” said Lighting Science Chief Executive Officer, Zach Gibler. “This project demonstrates that LED lighting is an economically viable, environmentally beneficial, and sustainable lighting alternative.”

Lighting Science is a US-based manufacturer of LED lighting solutions.