Sonoco President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Harris E. Deloach, Jr., announced the voluntary emission reduction goal in a letter to stakeholders issued in the company’s 2008-2009 sustainability report.

“You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘What gets measured gets done.’ We have established a series of metrics which are focused on measuring our progress toward a series of environmental, social and economic goals,” said DeLoach. “Building on the substantial work already undertaken, we have set new environmental targets aimed at voluntarily reducing our environmental footprint by cutting GHG emissions from our manufacturing facilities. We also remain focused on further voluntary reductions in overall energy use along with other air emissions, water usage and landfill use.”

Establishing 2008 as its baseline year, Sonoco expects to voluntarily reduce its combined direct and indirect GHG emissions from its 121 US and Canadian manufacturing plants by 15% by the end of 2013.

“While our goals currently target our North American operations, where approximately 72% of our revenues are derived, we have established measurement tools for our international manufacturing operations and have begun compiling GHG emissions data in 2009 to establish a baseline from which we can develop other voluntary emission reduction goals in coming years,” said DeLoach.

Sonoco’s 18-page 2009 sustainability report is entitled Eleven Decades of Sustainable Leadership and reviews actions the company is taking in the areas of environmental stewardship, community service and economic performance. In addition, the report focuses on a number of sustainable packaging products and service offered by the company’s diverse consumer and industrial packaging businesses.