ITT and PUB expect to use one another’s resources to build joint water handling and treatment capabilities that will pave the way for the development of new technologies essential for the growth of Singapore and the global water industry.

The scope of the MOU includes collaboration in the areas of energy-efficient pumping and secondary treatment, sludge handling, and advanced oxidation process (AOP) development.

IIT will employ 80 Singapore-based employees for the execution of the program. A joint committee will be formed by the companies to oversee and manage staffing, research, testing and administration of the MOU.

The signing of the MOU will also give ITT the opportunity to explore the potential of Singapore as a base for test-bedding of its Flygt N pumps, Sanitaire aeration and Wedeco ultraviolet and ozone treatment systems.

Khoo Chye, CEO of PUB, said: “As part of the government’s drive to grow Singapore into a hub for water technologies, we actively seek research and development (R&D) investments and encouraging companies to make Singapore a global test-bed for new and emerging technologies.

“The collaboration with ITT will further boost Singapore’s global hydrohub aspirations and create a more vibrant R&D landscape here.”