SymPowerco recently announced that it had signed a letter of intent to acquire a majority interest in HMSI, the manufacturer of Ultimate Terrain Vehicles.

John Davenport, SymPowerco chief executive officer said, “Hoss Motor Sports is entering a new phase of its operation in a new facility. They are already engaged in the development of new small vehicles for several diverse markets including markets for electric vehicles. We will require test vehicles of varying design and weight that can be easily modified for several combinations of power supplies and battery systems. We believe that SymPowerco and HMSI can advance their respective technologies at substantially reduced costs if we develop projects with shared engineering objectives, personnel and facilities.”

SymPowerco develops advanced fuel cell and power delivery systems for the growing personal transportation and portable power system markets being created by energy and environmental challenges.

SymPowerco is a US-based energy technology company focused on the design and development of clean and practical power and energy solutions.