ADB will also identify priority demonstration projects and their financing needs, as well as undertake capacity assessment and comprehensive capacity development in critical areas of CCS demonstration.

The CCS application on high-efficiency coal-fired power plants allows the capture and permanent storage of almost all of the carbon dioxide emissions. CCS application is particularly suited to the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant, which turns coal into synthetic gas to power gas turbines. The impurities from synthetic gas, including carbon dioxide, can be removed or captured before its combustion, which allows low-cost capture from a power plant.

The technical assistance supports PRC’s plan to develop its first IGCC demonstration power plant in Tianjin city, which is lined up for possible ADB financing under the Country Programming Mission (2009-2011).

CCS is in its early stage of development globally, and demonstrations projects need to be undertaken, said Ashok Bhargava, senior energy specialist of ADB’s East Asia Department. The full benefit of such a technology cannot be achieved unless it is used in major coal-based developing economies such as India and PRC.

PRC is the world’s second-largest energy consumer after the United States and has the fastest growing energy sector globally in terms of consumption and generation. As of 2007, nearly 83% of the country’s total generation came from burning coal.

Globally, electricity generation accounts for nearly 30% of carbon dioxide emissions. The PRC government has prioritized diversifying the country’s energy mix to include more renewable, nuclear, and other alternative sources. However, coal will remain the dominant source for electricity production until at least 2030.

ADB’s technical assistance will be sourced from the Climate Change Fund and technical assistance special fund.